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What are the requirements for affiliating myself with JASRAC?
For information concerning requirements for affiliation and application procedures, please refer to our " Membership " page on our website, and also to our "... show detail
Since you are a member of a collective management organization which has a representation agreement with JASRAC, your copyrights are already administered by ... show detail
I would like to provide information concerning the rights ownership of my songs.
JASRAC can only register details about rights ownership it receives from its own Members and Trustors, and its sister collective management organizations (CM... show detail
I would like to obtain details of how my songs are being used in Japan.
JASRAC can disclose details about music usage, rights ownership or distributions to its own Members and Trustors, and its sister collective management organi... show detail
When will royalties collected by JASRAC on my behalf be distributed to me?
When your works are used in Japan, JASRAC collects the royalties and distributes them to your collective management organization (CMO).Your CMO will then dis... show detail
How can I use a Japanese song in a film?
You need to obtain the authorization for the synchronization use from the copyright owner. In addition, if you use any commercial recordings such as CDs a... show detail
What are the penalties for copyright infringement?
Under the Japanese Copyright Law, copyright infringement can result in punishment "by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or a fine not exceeding... show detail
How do I obtain permission to use foreign music in Japan?
You may obtain permission to use foreign works from JASRAC provided they are the repertoire of foreign collective management organizations (CMO) which have r... show detail
How do I obtain permission to use Japanese music in other countries?
You may obtain a license for your use of a song in JASRAC’s repertoire from the local CMO in a given country. For the information regarding sister societies ... show detail
"Muserk LLC (Muserk Rights Management)" is a US copyright management company specializing in mechanical rights management for online distribution use. JASRA... show detail
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